Textiles Journal needs your help! You write, we share.

To publish new textiles we need new literary/visual content! If you’d like your work(s) to be included in an upcoming textile (poems, stories, lyrics, doodles, random thoughts, deep truth, deeper fiction, ...), submit it here. Our curators will review all submissions and create a selection to be included in each new textile publication.

What about copyright?

By default, when you submit your work we assume you’re releasing it with a Creative Commons, Attribution-Share-Alike (CC BY-SA) license. However, in this contribution form you can also select other licenses, which we will display along with your work wherever it’s referenced. It will need to be some version of a Creative Commons license. We are not accountable if your work gets stolen or a site visitor violates your license by using it elsewhere. We will respect the CC license by linking your account information to anything you contribute, or link it to “anonymous” otherwise if that’s your indicated preference in the contribution form.

What happens when I submit a contribution?

Firstly, you’ll see a notification below the contribute form.

Next, if you go to your account page you’ll see that the work was published. If you elected to contribute anonymously, it will only be visible on the anonymous account page, and if it gets included in a textile the attributed author will be listed as “anonymous”.

Lastly, whever your work gets included in a published textile you’ll receive a notification email.

Who can contribute?

You must be a registered user with an activated account. If you have an account already, you should have gotten a confirmation email with the activation code and a link. You can request a new activation email by clicking the activate button in your account page. If your still having issues, you can email us or use the contact form .

What are you allowed to do with my contribution?

We will include all contributions as candidates for new textiles that get published. When contributed literature gets included in a textile, it will be presented in fragments depending on the visual composition of the puzzle. This means your contribution may be presented whole or in pieces (unless your license indicates "No-Derivatives"), once or many times.

We will not sell your work to any other party, or reproduce it anywhere but this site.